Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Basics - commands & file structure

LINUX is the 'Operating System Kernel' it was invented by Linus Torvalds.
(It is similar to Unix in many ways)
GNU stands for the recursive acronym GNU's Not Unix.
Richard Stallman is the founder of the GNU movement
The applications run on the Linux kernel make the system useful as a whole. Hence, a system running applications on the GNU kernel is normally referred to as GNU/Linux.
GNU/Linux is mostly FREEWARE as in 'free speech' NOT 'free beer'. Meaning, you can charge for the software but must make the source code available as well as give proper credit to the author of the original source code along with rights of modification to the code and imposing the same liberties.

All the commands listed below will have to be typed in a 'terminal'.
Most commands have lots of options but only a few important ones are listed here. For a detailed listing, please refer to the 'man' pages.

  1. ls
  2. who
  3. whereis
  4. whatis
  5. info
  6. man
  7. updatedb
  8. logout
  9. exit
  10. echo
  11. cd
  12. pwd
  13. passwd
  14. mkdir
  15. touch
  16. cat
  17. cp
  18. mv
  19. ln
  20. rm
  21. rmdir

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